Noteworthy and noteworthy: Avenatti media admirers

July 12, 2021 6:12 p.m. ET

Michael Avenatti is departing from a sentence scheduled in Manhattan federal court in New York City on July 8.


John Minchillo / Associated press

Becket Adams

writing for the Washington Examiner, July 8:

Former media darling and convicted felon Michael Avenatti sentenced to 30 months in prison for attempting to extort Nike.

. . .

Between March 7 and May 15, 2018, alone, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC greeted the disgraced lawyer for a total of 147 television interviews. Or on average two interviews per day.

“Trump meets his equal: Stormy Daniels’ combative lawyer Michael Avenatti,” an over-enthusiastic Los Angeles Times reported.

NBC News reported, “Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti is ready for his star turn.”

“The brilliant egomaniac that could bring down Donald Trump,” Slate said.

Avenatti was a guest at the White House Correspondents Association dinner in 2018. He appeared at the MTV Video Music Awards that same year. He was celebrated, celebrated and invited to private parties organized by the media and political elites. Vanity Fair even ran an entire article on Avenatti’s “styling and skin care”.

The press even considered the idea that Avenatti would be a strong contender for the 2020 Democratic primary.

The disgraced lawyer “took a lot of good notes” when he visited Iowa in 2018, said MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, adding that Democrats “would be foolish to underestimate him.”

CNN’s Brian Stelter said elsewhere in an interview with Avenatti, “Looking towards 2020, one of the reasons I take you seriously as a candidate is because of your presence on cable news.”

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Appeared in the print edition of July 13, 2021 under the title “Notable & Quotable: Avenatti’s Press Clips”.

About Karren Campbell

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